Madam Chief Minister 2021 is an Indian Hindi language political drama film directed by Subhash Kapoor. Richa Chadha is in the lead role in this film. The film was officially announced by Chadha on February 12, 2020. The film was shot in Lucknow between November and December 2019 to complete the 40-day schedule. [2] [3] The film was released in theaters on January 22, 2021 in India.
Quality: HDRP
Included: March 20, 2021
Rating: 2.7 /
Released: January 22, 2021
Gender: Drama
Length: 130 minutes
Country: India
Language: Hindi
Cast: Richa Chadha, Manawal Cole, Sorbh Shukla, Akshay Oberoi, Tolika Banerjee, Lajjavati Mishra, Kapil Tilhari, Nakheel Vijay, Shabhrajyoti Barat, Boluram Das, Ankita Tripathi, Sandeep Yadav
Director: Subhash Kapoor
Author: Subhash Kapoor
Description: The right of a woman to live with dignity has always been at the crossroads of the principles of society.